American Controls Corporation, Electronic Design and Manufacturing Services
Canatxx Energy Fault tolerant Communications and Control Systems design and development for use with natural gas storage facility and a liquefied natural gas processing plant.
Caldera Systems Ozone generating equipment and High Voltage Power Supplies and control systems.
Baylor Co. Block & Dynamic Brake control system
Ross Hill Controls Sub sea Positioning Equipment, Microprocessor control systems for AC, DC, & VFD systems, Systems monitoring equipment, Fuse testing equipment, Automatic Testing Equipment, SCR monitoring and firing systems, BOP Control Systems
CESI Rugged industrial IBM PC motherboard design for harsh environments
Font Factory PCMCIA Flash memory cards
Houston Atlas Oilfield data acquisition systems
IPEC Oilfield SCR controlled DC motor drives system control module electronics
Keystone International Oilfield Valve control systems
Hydrill General electronic design, PCB & Schematic designs
The Mud Logging Co. Instrumentation and data logging systems
Profax Automated Welding machine Control Systems, Motor controls and other electronic modules
SCADACOM Inc. Wellhead data gathering and remote telemetry using satellite communications
Schlumberger Anadril Seismic data gathering equipment
Western Atlas Oilfield data gathering and instrumentation, communications, and similar equipment
ESSO Resources Communications & networking systems
Thrust Masters of Texas Marine propulsion thruster and steering control systems
PCSI Specialized distributed control systems for natural gas pipeline compressor stations
Automatic Gate Co. Automated gate control and security systems